Scenes from an Autumn Day

Happy Autumn!







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Heidi on the Bale Trail

bale trail court houseThe Bale Trail is a trail of displays and sculptures using hay bales or loose hay created by the residents of  Todd County (Kentucky).  The word ‘hay’, in any fashion, is part of the display.

heidi bale trail po2

heidi bale trail vet

heidi bale trail vet 2

heidi bale trail ppl

haylo kitty edited

My little cousin, Maleah, standing in for Heidi. Heidi was done with photo ops.



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15 Incredible Rat Tricks By Clicker Training

Published on Mar 5, 2013



The tricks are incredible that the rats have learned. Abby is very dedicated and this is a great promotion for clicker training. Very cool video…very impressive!


Seven Days of Sundogs: Day 5 Puppy Fix

Nothing warms your heart more than puppies!

The Sun Dog Drift

Puppy FixThis WAS typical afternoon play with the puppies last year about this time.

FACE PLANT is what I call this photo.

 Poor baby.  Mama does not even care,.

Puppy Fix-3

Puppy Fix-4Mama does not care because she is having too much fun playing keep away from her babies.  Nevada and Lassen are getting in on the play too.

This is about the time mama tries to wean. We have a little of that going on.

Puppy Fix-5Babies win out.  Time for a drink.

 Lassen and Nevada wait patiently.

 There is fun to be had.Puppy Fix-6Pit stop completed.  “We are ready to go play.”Puppy Fix-7“Not me. I’ll just watch what you do.”Puppy Fix-8Nevada and Lassen split and Grandma Maisie shows up.

 Grandma has the right smell….kinda.  Puppy Fix-9

You can’t hear the low growl in this photo.

 But you can tell what she is saying huh?

 “No milk.  Boobies out of business.”
Puppy Fix-10“But I like to…

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Eyes are the window to the soul. I always look at a dog’s eyes. They say so much!

The Adventures of a Chocolate Dog

Green eye


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Favorite Video Friday – Bretagne, a special day for a special dog

This video honors Bretagne, a rescue dog of nine eleven, a golden retriever. Enjoy her special birthday! Her owner says that Bretagne is that one special dog for her and though she is 16 years old, acts like a pup around water…just like my Lexi.

No Dog About It Blog

If the date, September 11, fell on a Friday before, I did not notice it. However, today seems like the very best time to have it fall on a Friday. Why? Because today I have the opportunity to share a video that honors the last living search and rescue dog from that day.

Bretagne was one of 300 dogs who swooped down on Manhattan to help search for people and then for remains. This is a dog who, like the other dogs of 9/11, deserves our love, honor and recognition. I hope you will find her special day as touching as I did.

Have a good day everyone.

If you get a chance, send a little wish of love to Bretagne and her handler.

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