Horse Reiki at Mystic View Morgan Ranch

I told you that I would take pictures at this horse Reiki session. And I did, 121 of them. Reiki (Ray-key) is a Japanese system of promoting healing (physically & emotionally) using universal energy-life force energy. I will not share all of photos here, but give you a photo view of our horse Reiki session.

My Reiki teacher’s group went for our monthly student Animal Reiki outing at the Mystic View Morgan Ranch on 4/20/13.  After our Reiki session, we get to ride one of their 12 horses. They also have 6 dogs, chickens, and two pygmy goats.  Usually the same group of people, give or take a person.

Our assignment for today was to scan the horse’s chakras. Feel if there was any blockage that needed work or needed opening up. (Your hands will be drawn to the area that needs Reiki). We each picked a horse and went on our merry Reiki way. I love coming here and feeling the energy of the horses, earth, and sky. Always ask the animal permission before giving Reiki and give thanks for the Reiki energy afterwards and thank the animal by name if you know it. I thank my spirit guides, too.

Julie and Victor, owners of the Morgan Ranch. Julie is riding Leona.

We always start our Reiki session-people or animal-with Gassho position, hands in prayer position. We stand in a circle, asking the power of Reiki to flow through us, feeling the flow of Reiki for a  few moments.  Then bring our hands up to our third eye (middle of forehead) and ask the Reiki power to guide our hands and ask our spirit guides for assistance if you wish. We hold there for a moment or two. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It is all about your intention!

You have heard the expression, different strokes for different folks, same is true in Reiki. Many people will give you or recommend guided hand positions for people and animals. This is great for beginners and intending to heal a particular area or part of the body, In the end it is centering your heart, intuition and intention. Everyone and everything is made up of life force energy. Like anything else, it takes practice. Although some people are naturally intuitive or more intuitive than others.

When you have a stomach ache or stub your tow, you automatically put your hand on it. You are sending energy to this part without realizing it.

Reiki works well with mainstream medical care, veterinary care, holistic health care and other healing modalities. It is not meant to replace any type of medical care. Reiki works for the greatest good on all levels, whatever that may be.

We all have intuition, it is just a matter of whether we listen to it or not. You are unique and should never compare yourself to anyone else! Listen to your heart, most people know as your ‘gut’ feeling, and do what you are drawn to or what feels right for you.

I am giving Sparkles Reiki, she is 27 years old and roams around freely. I used the Earth and Sky meditation as well while giving Reiki.

JoAnn giving Rhythm Reiki.

Rhythm after this session. 🙂

Gabriella, my Reiki teacher, with Lady.

Norma giving Lady Reiki.

Lady getting Reiki by JoAnn and Gabriella.

My riding lesson on Leona by Julie after the Reiki session. I grew up riding horses, but it has been many years since I rode. Julie wanted me to just ‘feel’ the horse, feel her rhythm and be one with the horse. She first told me to shut my eyes, you cannot see this. After I got accustom to this, I rode around the arena several times, then took my foot out of the stirrups, which actually felt better to me. Rode around the arena several times. Then Julie told me to let go of the reins and put my hands on my thighs. After several times around the arena, she then told me to put my hands out like an airplane. This was a great experience and I would recommend this for anyone, beginner or experienced rider if you have never done this!


I am giving Sparkles Reiki where my hand was drawn or guided to. The energy comes from Source, not me. I am a channel for this healing energy.

Lady, she is soooo beautiful!

My daughter, Samantha, riding Leona. She is an experienced rider.

photo from Equine Wellness Group

Equine Wellness Group

Note: The animal(s) you are drawn to is your animal totem. I believe you have one main animal totem or animal spirit guide. Different animal guides will come into your life as needed. Also animals, birds, insects, and mammals come into our life to give us messages.

3 thoughts on “Horse Reiki at Mystic View Morgan Ranch

  1. Pingback: Mystic View Morgan Ranch | touch of home

  2. Pingback: On feeling with your Heart… | Touch of Home Pet Care

  3. Reblogged this on the art of life and commented:

    I am drawn more to animal Reiki than Reiki for people. I have always connected with animals and now I have the opportunity to use horse Reiki. I am so grateful to Julie and Victor for letting us practice at their Morgan Ranch!

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